Our school is working hard to achieve the Eco-Schools awards! We’re very proud to have already gained the SILVER award as well as achieving The Woodlands Trust GOLD level Green Tree Award. There are several areas we must concentrate on: Water; Energy; Litter; Waste; School Grounds; Transport; Healthy Living; Biodiversity and Global Perspectives. Our school’s Eco-Committee meet regularly to discuss how we can make improvements and also carry out tasks like litter-picking and checking on energy use. Well done children! Check back later to see how we are progressing.
The Big Garden Bird Watch 2022
This year you could help the RSPB by joining in with the Big Garden Bird Watch from your very own garden. This will be happening from 28-30 January.
Visit the website to find out all the details to get you started.
It only takes an hour of your time and is fun. You can get your whole family involved. Look out of a window or from inside a shed but remember to keep quiet or the birds will be frightened off. Perhaps you can put out a bit of food to attract them into your garden. Good Luck!
Blue Peter Climate Heroes – How to get a Blue Peter Green Badge
As part of our pledge to help to keep our planet safe and to improve our environment we could all think about becoming a Blue Peter Climate Hero and earn ourselves a Green Blue Peter Badge. There are some simple things we can do by making three pledges – Power, Plastic and Plant. You must decide on your pledges and carry them out for two weeks. Many of you will already be well on the way with this.
To find out more, visit the Blue Peter at BBC website.
When you apply you need to have some photos or artwork to upload. Remember to ask for permission from a parent or guardian.
Saving Energy in School
Don’t forget to switch off those lights when the classroom is empty and make sure that taps are switched off too!
The Big Garden Bird Watch 2021
Every year in school we help the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) by getting involved in their Big Schools Bird Watch. This year is a bit different but you could still help by joining in with the Big Garden Bird Watch from your very own garden. This will be happening from 29-31 January.
Visit the website to find out all the details to get you started.
You don’t need anything fancy, just a pencil and a place in your house or shed where you can see the birds but they can’t see or hear you! There are some sheets on the RSPB website which will help you to identify the birds and your grown-up can help too.
How can I attract birds to my garden?
At this time of year birds really like some extra food and water. You can help by putting something out for them. This link is really good for giving you ideas.
BBC Blogs – Springwatch – Looking after wildlife during lockdown
If you can’t handle nuts or seeds then you could try vegetable suet or crushed cereal (not sugary) instead. Most of you will know not to put bread out for birds as it can make them poorly. Your feeders can hang from trees, fences or bushes and don’t forget the water. Have fun!
Big Spring Clean