Howletch Lane
Primary School

Our Governors

Governing Body Remit

The purpose of the Governing Body is to conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement. Its three core strategic functions are:

  • Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction;
  • Holding the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils, and the performance management of staff; and
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the school and making sure its money is well spent

Welcome Message from the Chair of Governors

Annual Statement of Governance

Annual Governance Statement 2023

Structure of our Governing Body

NamePositionTerm of OfficeCommitteesSpecial InterestRegister of Interests
Mrs Helen BeattieHeadteacher01/01/2023 – OngoingComplaints Committee, Finance and Premises Committee, Curriculum Standards and Wellbeing, First CommitteeNone
Mrs Tracey ChesterCo-opted08/09/14 to 04/12/26Curriculum and Standards Committee, First CommitteeSENDNone
Mrs Lisa CrombieCo-opted11/09/23 to 10/09/27CurriculumMember if staff (DHT)
Mr Mark ChisholmCo-opted26/04/24 to 25/04/28Appeals Committee, Complaints Committee, Finance and Premises Committee
Mrs Linda DeakinParent (appointed by governing body)24/10/22 to 23/10/26AppealsNone
Mrs Nicola FarrenCo-opted02/05/23 to 01/05/27Vice Chair of Governors Complaints Committee, Curriculum and Standards CommitteeRSHE, Early YearsDurham County Council employee, Governor at Pittington Primary
Mrs Karen JonesLocal Authority28/10/04 to 25/11/27Curriculum and Standards Committee, Appeals Committee, Finance and Premises Committee, Head Teacher Performance ManagementREGovernor at The Academy at Shotton Hall, Durham County Council Employee
Mrs Sharon LawsonCo-opted30/11/17 to 26/01/26Chair of Governors
Complaints Committee, Curriculum and Standards Committee, Finance and Premises Committee, First/Pay review, Head Teacher Performance Management.
History, OPAL, Early Reading and PhonicsNone
Mrs Amanda MoonCo-opted07/05/20 to 06/05/24Curriculum and Standards Committee, Wellbeing Committee, Finance and Premises Committee, First/Pay review Committee, Head Teacher Performance Management. Art, DTChair of Local Academy Trust (Shotton Hall), Trustee of NE Learning Trust
Mr Jonathan SnellingStaff08/03/22 to 07/03/26Curriculum & Standards, Wellbeing CommitteeMember of Staff
Mr Dean WildParent (appointed by governing body)24/10/22 to 23/10/26Appeals, Curriculum and StandardsBehaviour , ComputingHead of Computing and IT at Kings Academy (Emmanuel Schools Foundation)

Associate to the Governing Body – Mrs Amanda Walker (School Business Manager) attends Finance and Premises meetings and Full Governing Body Meetings when required. Mrs Walker has a four year appointment from 10/02/22 to 09/02/26 and does not have voting rights.

Our school clerk is Mrs Jill Huntington from Education Durham Governance Services.

Recent Resignations and expired Terms of Office

  • Mrs H Adair (Headteacher) Retired 31/12/2022
  • Mrs M Park (Co-opted) Resigned 31/7/2023
  • Mrs R Sheppard (Parent Governor) Resigned 11/09/2023
  • Mr R Currie (Parent Governor) Resigned 22/03/2024
  • Mrs K Stevens (Co-opted) Resigned 13/12/2023


Terms of Reference for Howletch Governing Body

Committee Terms of Reference May 2023

How To Become A School Governor

If you require further information on the roles and responsibilities of School Governors or you are interested in becoming one, visit the Durham County Council website School Governor section or The National Governance Association website.  From time to time there will vacancies for governors in our school and we will send home letters to inform you if a vacancy arises.  Please contact the school if your would like to be considered for a governor or if you would like more information.

Statutory Guidance for Governing Bodies

Howletch Lane Primary School adhere to the statutory guidance from the Department of Education. This means that governing bodies must have regard to it when carrying out duties relating to the constitution of governing bodies in maintained schools. You can find out more about our Governors roles and responsibilities by viewing or downloading the documents below:

The Constitution of Governing Bodies of Maintained Schools (2017)

Governor Attendance – Academic Year 2023/2024

MeetingsMrs H BeattieMrs T ChesterMrs L CrombieMr R CurrieMrs L DeakinMs N FarrenMrs K JonesMrs S LawsonMrs A MoonMr J SnellingMrs K StevensMr D WildMrs A Walker (Associate)
Full Governing Board (14/12/23)N/R
Full Governing Board (21/03/24)N/R
Full Governing Board (11/07/24)N/R
Full GB Challenge and Priorities (05/10/23)YA/AA/AA/ANYYYYYYA/AN/R
Finance (15/11/2023)YN/AN/AN/AN/AN/ANYYN/AYN/AY
Finance (Spring)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Finance (Summer)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/A
Pay Review (13/11/2023)YNN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYYN/AYN/AN/R
Head Teacher Performance (6/11/2023)YN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/AYN/AN/AYN/AN/R
Curriculum (Spring)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/R
Curriculum (Summer)N/AN/AN/AN/AN/AN/R

A/A apologies accepted, APN apologies not accepted, N no apologies received, OBS observer, N/A not a member of this committee at that time

N/R  (associates only) not required at this meeting

View Previous Attendance 

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